Are you engaged or seriously considering marriage?

Do you want to have the best possible start to your marriage?

Most spend countless hours preparing for the wedding, but little time preparing for the marriage. The Marriage Preparation Course can help you develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.  It doesn’t matter how long you have been engaged, or if you have been living together and would like to explore the idea of getting married, or if one or both of you have been married before.  Although the course is based on biblical principles, it’s designed for all couples with or without a church background.

What can I expect on the course?

The Marriage Preparation Course takes place over five evenings, from 7:00pm until 9:30pm.  Each session, you’ll be sitting with other couples, along with a host who will be leading your time together.  There are practical video talks which are informative and fun, including clips of couples talking about their own experiences of marriage.  There is never any group work, and you will never be asked to share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner.   Desserts and refreshments, along with discussion time will be private to you as a couple. You will be given opportunities to discuss the topics with your fiançé(e). And, music is played so you can’t hear other couples, and they can’t hear you!

At the end of each session, you are given some homework to do together.  This will help you to build on what you have heard and shared for the night, and give you the opportunity to consider and apply to your relationship. Don’t worry – it won’t  be marked!   It isn’t looked at by anyone else, and is just for your own benefit.

Dates & Registration

Meeting on Friday nights is ideal at the end of the week, and a great way to establish, or continue, “Date Night.”  The next Marriage Preparation Course is scheduled for Spring 2020, provided we have a minimum number of couples registered.


If you would like to register for The Marriage Preparation Course, please contact us at [email protected] or complete a Registration Form.  For more general information, please go to The Marriage Preparation Course.