Artist's Renderings
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Waverley Road Baptist Church is a registered Canadian charitable, non-profit organization. We are a dedicated and welcoming local neighbourhood church body with an enduring history of serving The Beaches neighbourhood in Toronto since 1889.
We invest in the well-being of our community through loving and serving our neighbours, which include families and individuals of all ages, races, faith, orientation, income and abilities in The Beaches and neighbouring communities.
Our building is ideally situated in the heart of the neighbourhood we serve, but due to its age and condition, we urgently need upgrading and renovation in order to continue in our present location.
We are seeking partners to play a vital role in renovating and updating our building, so that we can continue to:
• provide a functional and accessible space for our church and local community
• establish a new Early Learning Centre to provide additional childcare spaces and education options for families in our community
• establish and support initiatives which strengthen social networks and support community well-being
At present, the total projected cost for the building renovation is $5 million. The small size of our local congregation, and low trends in charitable giving overall, make it impossible to do this on our own.
Would you be willing to consider partnering with us in financial support to help with the building renovation?
In doing so, together we'll be investing in a strong and vibrant community in The Beaches and our neighbouring communities for this and future generations!



Fellowship Lounge

Fellowship Lounge

Fellowship Lounge

Fellowship Lounge

Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hall

ELC - Pre-Schoolers

ELC - Toddlers

Ground Floorplan